Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What are causes of dry hair, and tips to treat it?

What are causes of dry hair, other than shampooing too often? Also, what other methods of treatment are there , other than shampoos for 'dry hair', as these dont seem to work? Thanks for your helpWhat are causes of dry hair, and tips to treat it?
Over processing (straightening, curling, anything involving heat, dying) would be an obvious cause of dry hair, as well as other chemicals (like chlorine, if you're a swimmer), and weather/climate can cause dry hair.

If, however, your dry hair is accompanied by other ';symptoms';, dry hair could be an indication of an illness that you're not aware of.

For example, if you have dry hair that is accompanied by dry skin, constipation, always feeling cold, and/or fatigue, there is a possibility that your thyroid may not be functioning properly.

If its just dry hair that you're worried about though, there are a few options. Conditioners for damaged hair will help over time, and if you ever get an opportunity, I would suggest leaving the conditioner in overnight. You can also get hair treatments from your drug store, but a treatment from a hair dresser would work much better.

Aside from products, if you are processing your hair in any way, I would suggest giving it a break. Let it air-dry rather than blowdrying... you could also invest in some shampoos/conditioners/products that offer sun protection, if you spend a lot of time in the sun.

*condition every time you shampoo!* You can also occasionally just condition

=)What are causes of dry hair, and tips to treat it?
Dry hair tends to be thin and rough so try washing less often .Aloe Vera,is a good remedy for dry hair. You can use the one readily available or the fresh one. It is obtained from the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant. Break the leaf and squeeze out the liquid inside, apply this liquid to your scalp,keep for about an hour and wash it off . Check out for more info on dry hair.
straightening (any over-heating actually) shampooing too much, split ends, dying too much etc. all those make your hair dry out. I heard milk helps if you soak your hair in it. also, if you put your hair in water and it floats, this means youre hair is dead. If it sinks, youre fine. Anyway, just let ir grow out and try the milk
Wrong shampoo, not enough conditioner, the enviorment you live in,

straight ironing your hair, blow drying your hair, or dying it too much.

Use a better shampoo.

Use leave in conditioner.

Use some sort of shine spray.
The symptoms are you were born with dry hair.
condition condition condition!! Lots of conditioner. Also leave in conditioner after the shower as well works.
Solution -condition it more than you shampoo it.

Causes- depression, bad eating, too much time out in the sun (i suggest sun protection spray for your hair if this cause fits you)
what you are eating also effects your hair. Try to eat more oils. dont' blow dry your hair at all and put a hat on in the sun.
Being lonely and ugly tend to cause this problem. I advice getting plastic surgery.
condition your hair with olive oil...may be too oilly for a day but with a couple of washings it should be just right.

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